- Popular education is one of our major objectives. 民众教育是我们的主要目标之一。
- What is your major objective for the live presentation at the show? 您在展览中的现场介绍活动的主要的目的为何?
- I am also glad to know that Britain and China will work closely together to achieve this major objective. 我也高兴知道,英国和中国会紧密合作,实践这项重大的目标。
- In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activiy was widely heard. 无论在发展中国家还是发达国家,要求废黜把国民生产总值作为经济活动首要目标的呼声到处可闻。
- Most MBA students' major objective is to be financially well off after graduation. 大多数mba学生的主要目标是毕业后经济上富裕一些。
- A major objective (of political liberalism) is the protection of the economic weak. 主要的目标(政治自由主义的)是对经济疲软的保护。
- "France and Germany both want the result of the summit to include the principle of new regulation as a major objective. 法国和德国都希望此次峰会能够产生一个新的主要目标,那就是包含新规则的原则。
- Infringement dissension is the major object with which the civil action mechanism deals. 侵权纠纷是民事诉讼机制解决的主要对象。
- The Dipylidium caninum ,Ancylostoma and Toxocara ganis are preponderance and the major object in repelling worm. 检出优势种为犬复孔绦虫,犬钩虫,犬弓首蛔虫,是驱虫的主要对象。
- In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activity was widely heard. 无论在发展中国家还是发达国家,要求废黜把国民生产总值作为经济活动首要目标的呼声到处可闻。
- Reducing acquisition and life-cycle costs is a major objective of the New Attack Submarine design and engineering process. 降低采购和寿命周期维修费用是新攻击潜艇设计工作中的一个主要目标.
- It is the power of media as a propagandist, preacher and organizer that make it the major objective of social science and humanity. 也正是大众媒介与生俱来的宣传、号召、组织力量使其成为人文社会科学研究的主要对象。
- The major objective of chaff jamming is to destroy the tracking system of ground radar and guidance radar,and hide real aim. 箔条干扰是破坏地面雷达、制导雷达的跟踪系统,使其无法跟踪真实目标,实现干扰。
- Its overall trajectory, however, was clear and unmistakable, for it pointed in the direction of political power as its major objective. 但是斗争的大方向是明确无疑的,因为夺取政权是它的主要目标。
- "One of our major objectives is to return the canal to the people," he said. 他表示:“我们的主要目标之一就是还运河于人民。
- Interlibrary loan is the most basic and direct way to realize the snaring of library document information resources, and is also the major objective of document resources sharing. 馆际互借是实现图书馆文献信息资源共享的最基本、最直接的手段,也是文献资源共建共享的主要目的。馆际互借有5种模式:网络型、集中型、区域层次型、网络层次型、虚拟中心。
- The evaluation system of forage quality and major objective properties of forage quality breeding, including nutritive value, digestibility and palatability etc. were summerized. 摘要简要介绍了牧草品质的评价体系,以及牧草品质育种的主要目标性状包括营养价值、消化率、适口性等。
- IBT is a major object of translatology.The general principles abstracted in translatology can be applied in guiding the study of IBT theory and practice. 国际商务翻译是翻译学的一个重要研究对象,翻译学的一般原理能够用来指导其实践和理论研究。
- The major object of this study was to set up the National Pungtung Teachers College ideal cashier operating model that is in synchronicity with internal control. 本研究以国立屏东师范学院个案学校出纳管理之内部控制机制为研究对象。
- You, too, can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objectives, targets, aims, and destination. 你也可以选择自己想要什么。你可以确定自己的主要目的和目标。